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We are here to help you

Get the Social Security Benefits You Deserve


Expert Analysis

With hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of filing options, getting the most from Social Security can be a complex decision. As a Registered Social Security Analyst, I can help you answer common retirement questions like:

  • When is the best time to claim?
  • Can I get benefits from my ex?
  • What should I do if I'm self-employed?
  • Can my children get benefits?
  • What about dependents with disabilities
  • How will my pension impact my benefits?
  • And so much more...

At the completion of your analysis, you will be provided with a comprehensive planning report outlining your benefit considerations in a way you can easily understand; with instructions for when and how to file, calculations, definitions, and much more.


RSSA Roadmap®

My premier Social Security optimization software is designed to optimize your Social Security claiming strategy to increase your lifetime benefits. Your RSSA Roadmap® account has industry-leading analytical features including:


  • Claiming options comparison
  • Impact of future earnings
  • Maximizing spousal and survivor benefits
  • Avoiding benefit reductions
  • Impact of pensions (WEP/GPO)
  • Longevity scenarios
  • Benefits for children and family maximums
  • Cost of living adjustments

Just answer simple questions to get started. I cover the cost (normally $175) for my clients. That means you get lifetime access to RSSA Roadmap® for free! Click below to get started, or you can learn more about RSSA Roadmap® here.

Your Situation is Unique

The average household loses over $110,000 in potential income by making the wrong Social Security claiming decisions. I can help you get the money you earned and are entitled to.

-Shane Bullock, RSSA®




You may be able to collect up to one-half of your spouse’s benefits.


You may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits.


You may decrease your payroll taxes and still receive maximum benefits.


You may qualify to receive Social Security benefits from your ex-spouse.


You may qualify to receive survivor benefits that are greater than your own.


If you are a lawful permanent resident, you may qualify for Social Security.